In this spirit I can't help but ask all my followers (all three of you): how do you get through the rough patches (when the going gets tough)?
You know what I mean. Think of these scenarios:
- You haven't made any increase in money (or none at all)
- Life crisis (death of family member, break up, etc.) makes it hard to focus or consistently learn and work on InMa (Internet Marketing).
- You just feel a lack of motivation in general for whatever reason.
Outside of reading Chuck Norris quotes, I have found that sticking with it through any type of problem has been the key to still being here. The process isn't fancy, but when I feel a lack of motivation, I simply show up and even if it's shitty work (like my last blog post) I still plow through it.
Fuck perfection. That shit is a fallacy with a capital 'F'. So, Fallacy.
I don't know any other way to phrase it.
My friend, who got me started in all this crap told me how that way you succeed is to literally stick with it through everything. The people who do this are the guys and gals who are there when the dust settles, holding the wads of cash.
It isn't the smartest ones, it's the ones who had the most motivation to stick with it through thick and thin.
My cheesy-motivational-rant-o-meter is starting to go off so I will end this post right here.
Peace bitches!
P.S. I apologize to Chuck Norris for even writing anything about motivational problems and pussy things of that nature. Please have mercy.
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