Thursday, June 30, 2011

When The Going Gets Tough...

...Chuck Norris tells you that you are a pussy for being weak.  Then he roundhouse kicks you in the face.

In this spirit I can't help but ask all my followers (all three of you): how do you get through the rough patches (when the going gets tough)?

You know what I mean.  Think of these scenarios:
  1. You haven't made any increase in money (or none at all)
  2. Life crisis (death of family member, break up, etc.) makes it hard to focus or consistently learn and work on InMa (Internet Marketing).
  3. You just feel a lack of motivation in general for whatever reason.

Outside of reading Chuck Norris quotes, I have found that sticking with it through any type of problem has been the key to still being here.  The process isn't fancy, but when I feel a lack of motivation, I simply show up and even if it's shitty work (like my last blog post) I still plow through it.

Fuck perfection.  That shit is a fallacy with a capital 'F'.  So, Fallacy.

I don't know any other way to phrase it.

My friend, who got me started in all this crap told me how that way you succeed is to literally stick with it through everything.  The people who do this are the guys and gals who are there when the dust settles, holding the wads of cash.

It isn't the smartest ones, it's the ones who had the most motivation to stick with it through thick and thin.

My cheesy-motivational-rant-o-meter is starting to go off so I will end this post right here.

Peace bitches!


P.S. I apologize to Chuck Norris for even writing anything about motivational problems and pussy things of that nature.  Please have mercy.

Monday, June 27, 2011

How To Be a Good InMa-er!


Well gull dernit, let's learn today how to be a gooder InMa-er.  I done told ya before it's a real hoot!

Well, where do we begin?

Since I am not making any money online right now, I guess I'll have to end it here.

Soooo, instead, can I tell you what I think leads to eventually making money online anyway?  I'll assume you're saying 'yes' because you are still reading this.

Well, for me, it will be not quitting.  And showing up.

I am utterly convinced that I can overcome all the learning, the tactics and strategies, etc. because no one who currently makes an income online is any smarter than anyone else.

This is my conviction.

I can't stress enough that it is utterly hilarious that some dweeb like me is writing about this but I have a feeling it will make more sense in the future as I look back on it.

Or not.  Which will be even funnier.

Please mock me if that's the case.

Big ups people!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why More Than 2 Years Has Produced 0 Sales

It's hard to write a title like the one you see above. Massively sobering.

But hey, whatever, it is what it is.

It was literally August 2008 when I decided to pursue Internet Marketing (could we make this a cooler acronym, like InMa or something? I'm going to lobby hard for this one) as a source of full time income and I have "stuck with it" since then.

Although I'd have to say, when you "stick with" something, it usually means you have had some measure of success. In all matters of the sense, I have had none. ZIP. So yeah, pretty sobering.

On the surface, that statement can say a lot of things about me and about Internet Marketing. You could say that InMa is a fraud, that it's a scam that proves you should never get into this. Or that I am a lazy bastard who needs to pull myself up by my bootstraps, be disciplined and work harder.  Or I'm delusional (ala Charlie Sheen).

But the fact is all of that is all wrong.

These factors have all contributed to my lack of success:
  • Taking a 6 month break
  • Buying too many products with no action
  • Not following the 80/20 principle (eloquently explained here)
  • Thinking that long hours of work is better then less but more focused hours of work.
  • Not being proactive enough when it comes to pursuing different InMa strategies. (The only thing I did was article marketing with an affiliate landing page. I tried email marketing for a smidge, but didn't really do much else)
  • Didn't focus on having a life outside InMa. No balance.
  • Never taking the courage to make my own product.
  • Spending way too much time on trivial things. (For example I spent a week figuring out how to get a PO Box and registering for a business tax id. Why this took a week I have no clue, but they are both completely trivial.)
  • Checking Clickbank 5+ times/day
  • Checking Google Analytics 5+ times/day
  • Spending more time reading through forums than time spend putting advice into action (a very common problem as you may know)
  • Watching too much porn (Haha just kidding. Pat yourself on the back for paying attention thus far.)
  • Having no system for organization whatsoever. Files littered my desktop in a flurry of documents.
  • Signing up for 20 mailing lists.
  • And probably eighteen trillion other things I am forgetting or can't name.

And all these factors are easily avoidable.

You can argue that some of these are completely unimportant or whatever, but the fact is I have had zero sales (ZERO SALES, seriously), so something I am doing is not working.

Also, I can't tell you how to avoid these factors as you have your own life with your own set of challenges, and I don't believe some wishy washy motivation alquote like "If you believe in it, you'll achieve it!" will make you achieve your InMa goals any better. But seeing some of my issues can hopefully help you realize where you may be going wrong.

And more importantly, who am I (zero sales guy) to tell anybody anything about successful internet marketing strategies?

Actually, that's a great question, who am I really to say that?

But the fact is I have the feather in my cap that I have stuck with it longer than anybody else would. I may have made a trillion mistakes when it comes to my work habits and strategies, but I'm still here and I am more encouraged then ever.

I tend to stay away from the overly serious diatribes on my blog here but this one is really a passionate cry to not worry about success over the process.

I love the process these days and all the success will coming rolling in.

Come join me, won't you?


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Email Marketing Is For Lovers

Yo yo yo, let's talk about some e-mail marketing.

Wow, so how weird is it to write emails to people you don't know, all the while not having a single person on your list to actually write to?

Ahh, I'm sure it get's less weird.

This is where you experienced marketers step in and tell me it gets better.  Go ahead, say it at the screen for me.
Actual Robot Subscriber
Ah there ya go.

Anywho, about a year ago, before I took a break from Internet Marketing, I was messing around with Aweber and attempting all sorts of things. Back then I had a few different sites that were literally terrible. It was awful. I believe I had one subscriber, which I'm pretty sure was a robot.

Fast forward to now and I am starting this learning process all over again.

Learning what to put in emails.  Learning how to make a webform.  Learning how to use Aweber.  

Basic stuff, really. But, just when you think you know something, you have to learn something else.

So fast forward to now again and I have 2 subscribers (within 2 days) and I was jumping with glee. And I'm pretty sure they are real people! Yay!

Although writing emails to strangers is not my forte, I do feel it getting better each time. At this point I have written three emails, one with real value, the other two containing a free report I made.

The kicker: I have no affiliate offers in there. YET.

So that's my next step.

You know, it would be so much easier if I had someone telling me exactly how to do all this email stuff. But it really wouldn't be so damn interesting. Or fun.

Alright IM-er's, as usual, get to work.


Follow Me on The Tweeter thing

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Big Why

I said not "Fun and Games"
Let's be serious for a moment, can we? Internet Marketing is not all fun and games.

I would like to tell you "why" I'm writing this blog because, well, I have to write some blog posts and this qualifies. Also, the "why" or "purpose" is an essential part of any blog. I would like to be clear and concise of what I have to offer here at The Eternal Newbie besides chuck norris jokes.

Here's my offer for your readership:
  • No boring content. IM should be interesting and "fun". Not lifeless. Let's make it light-hearted here.
  • A fresh viewpoint. I won't pretend to know what I don't. So hopefully it'll be helpful to others who are confused/new to this area.
  • A route to connect with other IM'ers. Come say hi and comment and ask questions and share ideas. That'd be quaint.
  • I like to push the boundaries and make people feel a good way, of course. There will be no dogmatic following of classic IM ideas here. There just won't be.  I question everything.
  • Criticism is welcome. Talk trash to me through the comments. I'm like Lebron James, it fuels my fire. (Except I don't choke in the 4th quarter.)
  • I want to help others (you) and vica-versa. I want to make a small amount of income online and if I can help others I'll be a happy man. As will you.

Look, I have never had a large following on any blog before, so this will always be a work-in-progress. But it will give value and I hope to have you as a reader.

Now stop wasting time and go do something IM-ish.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Now for a Quick Introduction...


My name is Andy. Nice to meet you.

Along with about a million other people on this internet thing, I am what you call an "Internet Marketer". Hopefully you know this already, so I am going to skip the definitions of that.

I've set up this blog because I'm the PHATtest IMer in the game (like Flava Flav over there) and you will be interested to know so.

I have been up in this game for a little over two years and I have had zero sales. ZERO SALES.

So it's kind of a joke, I'm part of that group of people who have had zero success.

Go ahead, laugh at it. I know I do.

Because I'll get it soon enough.

And that's the point of this blog. Also these points:
  • To document.
  • To learn.
  • To connect.
  • To prove all the haters wrong.
  • To stay current on all things IM.
  • To help give back.
  • To have fun.
Seriously, that's really it.

So if you want to connect with me, feel free to leave comments and follow me on twitter or sign up for email updates of this very blog.

So yeah, that is me and now we're friends (kinda). Look forward to having ya as a reader.

- Andy (Conquistadoro on Warrior Forum)